German NGO conducting civil search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea
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Creator Partnerships
Creator Partnerships

Record label initially created by Pedro Vian in order to release his own music, that has developed into an important label and publisher in the past decade.
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Business Development
Business Development

Keep Hush
An underground dance music platform, that runs run weekly live streams showcasing underground dance music around the globe, as well one-off pop ups, workshops, and special projects.
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Brand Partnerships
Brand Partnerships

Enemic Interior
Catalan punk band with influences across oi! and post-punk.
“Enemic Interior get things done with the devastating unfussiness of a hired assassin or eccentric plutocrat’s butler” - The Quietus
“Enemic Interior get things done with the devastating unfussiness of a hired assassin or eccentric plutocrat’s butler” - The Quietus
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